Review of annual financial reports of non-governmental organizations
Have you identified all potential threats associated with your engagements for non-governmental organizations (NGOs)?
The Charities Aid Foundation’s World Giving Index 2018 reported Hong Kong 18th out of 144 countries studied in terms of the proportion of people who donated money to charities —ahead of some advanced economies such as Finland, Belgium and Japan. According to the report Government's Support and Monitoring of Charities issued by the Hong Kong's Audit Commission in April 2017, HK$11.84 billion in tax-deductible donations were made to charities in the 2014/15 assessment year. In other words, people in Hong Kong are generous.
However, there is no overall statutory scheme for the registration and regulation of charities in Hong Kong. The Inland Revenue Department has the power to grant tax-exempt status, and maintains a list of charitable institutions with such status on its website. Many of these institutions are also recipients of recurrent funding from the Social Welfare Department (SWD), which is estimated to be HKS16.8 billion in 2018/19. NGOs which operate under the SWD's Lump Sum Grant (LSG) Subvention System are required to file annual financial reports (AFRs) with the SWD which are published on the department's website for the public.
Not to be confused with the organization's annual financial statements which cover its entire operations, the AFR only covers the NGO's activities which are funded by the LSG subvention. Pursuant to the requirements of the LSG Manual, an NGO is required to submit the AFR, together with the organization's audited financial statements to the SWD on an annual basis. The AFR, prepared by the NGO, must be an integral part of the organization's annual report, and reviewed by an external auditor in accordance with Practice Note 851 Review of the Annual Financial Reports of NGOs (PN 851) issued by the Institute and prepared in consultation with the SWD.
Practising requirements
PN 851 requires that the scope of work and reporting by auditors of NGOs meet the relevant requirements under the LSG Manual. The guidance covers the following areas to enable an auditor to properly discharge their responsibility in conducting a review of AFRs:
- Terms of engagement
- Planning
- Documentation
- Procedures and evidence
- Management representations
- Conclusions and reporting
- Sections 100 and 130 of the Code of Ethics for Professional Accountants (Volume | of Members’ Handbook)
- PN 851 Review of the Annual Financial Reports of NGOs (Volume Ill of Members’ Handbook)